Listed Practical Tips to Make a Video Presentation for Teaching

Video content is nowadays an easier way for educators to share with students. To give highly effective video presentation and create inspiring learning atmosphere in classroom, Focusky here recommends practical tips for you to make a video presentation for teaching with ease. You can try some modern creative ways to stimulate students’ consciousness in learning.

1. Convey a Single, Focused Message
The ideal slides design can be simple, strong photos and large number. As a vivid video presentation, you should not contain all contents, but give single and focused messages inside so that students can get your points across clearly.

2. Recording Voice is Perfect
Since you are likely to make your presentation more interactive and engaging, you are suggested to add your recording voice in presentation. The real life voices will be kind and impressive for students to accept your ideas. It thus acts as multimedia content to deepen students’ learning memories, which do good to motivate them to acquire more new knowledge.

3. Utilize Formula Editor
Powerful formula editor ensures you to customize all kinds of formulas in presentation. You educators can tell students different kinds of formulas (fraction, radical, integration, operators, functions, limit & logarithm, etc) with animated video presentation visuals, therefore, students can understand better of your teaching.

4. Watch Your Readability
Focusky amazing presentation software inspires you to perfectly apply fonts, contrast and colors in slides to make video presentation a wonderful studying material in classroom. Try some different colors and text variations to increase the readability of content, then have a perfect typography to maintain a stylish looking slide, all are helpful to turn students focus on your teaching contents.

5. Images are Story Resonant
Great visuals are playing a significant role to have a positive learning effect. Give it a try to replace a bullet point with eye-catching images. This awesome software enables you to enhance teaching video by dragging-and-dropping pictures from local. You are able to turn them into gorgeous slideshow to demonstrate your ideas. Story-telling enjoyment can quickly arouse students’ interest in your presentation.

6. Keep Interactions Suitable
Interactions in video presentation can be impactful. There is an interaction list offered for you to make your presentation interactive. Action object, mouse operation, trigger object and trigger behavior well designed are beneficial to get students stay focused and participate in your videos. Keep in mind that you have to balance those interactions and ensure them not to distract from your messages.

Focusky shows you how to design video presentation that rock. It benefits educators to apply advanced technologies and make it easy to enhance classroom’s atmosphere. You students will enjoy themselves in learning new knowledge, having a positive response for your teaching.



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